Dear reader,

This weblog will be moving to another location:

Recently I was asked to sell the domain name and got a very good offer. At that moment I didn’t have any plans to stop this blog. On the other hand I haven’t been updating it very often either. For a long time I’ve been indecisive about what I wanted to do with it.

Until now I’ve been mainly posting links to articles and presentations on the combination of Agile and UX posted elsewhere on the web. I haven’t written much commentary of my own, at least less then I’d like to have. One of the reasons for that is that it wasn’t clear for me what my audience was, what it should be or what I wanted it to be.

Now that I can sell this domain name I’m going to jump on the occasion and make some other changes:
  • The language will change to Dutch. It is my mother tongue and the language of my main audience.
  • The url will be which better describes what I’m about.
  • I will change the format and the rate of publication. More on that later.
  • The links to articles and presentations from this weblog will probably be archived on a single page
As I have limited time to spend these changes will not be made all at once but gradually. First the url will change, then the content.

Any comments are welcome.  Please let me know if you have any hints, tips, insight or objections.

Kind regards,

Marius van Dam

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